A court reporter, also known as a “stenographer,” is a highly trained professional who provides an integral and necessary service to our legal system.
As dedicated custodians of the record, court reporters rely on a highly refined set of skills to accomplish the task of capturing the spoken word in realtime with the use of a Stenotype machine, a special shorthand keyboard. An advanced court reporter can offer realtime services in which they provide instantaneous conversion of the spoken word from their steno machine which is then displayed on a TV, computer, or smart device, in real time. This also allows their clients immediate access to the transcript.
In general, a court reporter must:
- Achieve a shorthand speed of minimally 225 wpm
- Be proficient in English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation
- Have an excellent understanding of legal and business ethics
- Have an exceptional understanding of legal principles and medical terminology
- Possess a high level of professionalism